Journal Articles by Gwen Barry

  1. "The English 138 Years in Rural Quebec-Megantic County," The Canadian Genealogist, Vol 3, No 2, 1981.
  2. "The Ulster Plantation: Scottish Migration to Ireland, 1605-1697," Celtic Heritage, Vol 11, No 5, Oct/Nov 1997.
  3. "From Ireland to Quebec, Canada: To The Counties of Megantic and Lotbiniere, 1809-1855,” Connections: Journal of the Quebec Family History Society, Vol 19, No 4, June 1997.
  4. "La 'piste Becancour': des campements abenaquis dans l'arriere-pays," Recherches Amerindiennes au Quebec, Vol XXX III, no 2, 2003. (An Aboriginal Archaeological and Anthropological Journal of McGill University).
    This article coins a new term in Canadian Aboriginal history, ‘The Becancour Trail.’